INSIDE World Festival of Interiors co妹妹ens and shares the excellent works repres護手霜推薦,enting the cutting-edge and top level of interior design in the world in the past year. It is known as the most influential and authoritative international design award recognized by the interior design industry.
INSIDE世界室內設計節(INSIDE World Festival of Interiors)是面向室內設計專業人士和修建師的全世界盛事,為期三天。它是全世界独一将奖項、現場评比、集會和交换連系在一块儿的室內設計節,為設計師供给常識和灵感。INSIDE是世界修建節(WAF)的姊妹節,每一年在全世界分歧都會举行,致力于在全世界范畴內庆贺和分享修建及室內設計界的各項優异作品,给来自世界各地的優异修建及設計師供给一個全世界的沟通平台。
INSIDE世界室內設計節由英國EMAP團體主理。旗下有诸多勾當和媒體分支,包含世界修建節、媒體節等大型勾當。该平台還主理AR New into Old、AR Public、W Awards、AJ Architecture Awards、AJ Retrofit Awards、AJ Small Projects等奖項及勾當。